This website is a resource for musicians that want to purchase and download piano accompaniment tracks. Each track is available for purchase at a stated price that can change at any time in case of promotions, or for other reasons.

Please check before purchasing a track if it is in a suitable key and/or arrangement for the score you are using. If you are not sure, before purchasing a track please contact us since there won't be refunds after the purchase.

Price listed in the website are in US$. You are buying a single track, after you download it, it is your responsibility to not loose it or to copy and transfer to your devices, because a second download won't be possible.

All the recordings have no edits, which means sometime there might be minor mistakes that won't affect the use of the material you bought, as it could happen with a live piano accompanist.

All the recordings available from this website are copyright protected against illegal use and so can not be copied and distributed without permission, otherwise legal action could be taken. These tracks are meant for personal use only. 

Sharing  tracks is illegal and self-defeating. If you share our material, you are making it impossible for us to provide this  excellent educational tool.

The website owner cannot accept liability for any damage caused or difficulties encountered from the downloading or usage of any tracks.

Privacy: buyers information won't be disclosed other than when order details will be processed as a part of the order fulfilment. In such case the third party won't disclose any of the details to any other third party.

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